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Where to Go in California for Sublime Fall Color

John Poimeroo: The following is a summary of reports on autumnal change across California. It is compiled from reports and photographs submitted by a network of over 100 volunteer observers. Similar reports on the status of fall color across California are distributed each Thursday until the Thursday before Thanksgiving Day.


To view and use the best photographs taken this week, visit: CLICK HERE

All reports are substantiated by photographic metadata. uses the following scale to state the degree of overall change of fall color at specific locations.

PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!

Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.

Patchy (10-50%)

Just Starting (0-10%)

Past Peak - You Missed It.

Across California, fall color generally descends by elevation at a rate of 500 to 1,000 feet per week. This explains why elevations are included in our reports.


A lot has happened in the past few days. Groves of Quaking Aspen above 9,000' are now Peaking.

The most beautiful displays are being seen along U.S. 395 in the Eastern Sierra where upper areas of Bishop Creek Canyon, Rock Creek Canyon, McGee Canyon, Sagehen Summit and the Virginia Lakes are at full Peak color. Each of these locations is easily reached by passenger vehicles on paved roads that lead directly to the color.

There is mixed color at elevations below 9,000' from Just Starting to Near Peak, depending on location. Nevertheless, anyone traveling to the Eastern Sierra now will have lots of peak fall color to enjoy.

Peak Fall Color in the Eastern Sierra will continue for at least two weeks at elevations from 8,500 to 9,000'. No other areas in California are reporting significant color.

For the latest updates on where autumn color is being seen, visit:


· Peak of the Week - Lake Sabrina, SR 168 (Inyo County)

· Drive of the Week - Bishop Creek Canyon, SR 168 (Inyo County)

· Hike of the Week - Upper McGee Canyon - The upper trail in McGee Creek Canyon leads to forests of Near Peak to Peaking aspen. (Mono County)

The following conditions were accurate as of 9/29/22 and are subject to rapid change.



Lake Sabrina on the Middle Fork of Bishop Creek (SR 168) is not to be missed this week. This alpine lake features a breathtaking display of aspen that climb 500' up a slope toward grey, granitic, sawtooth peaks. The grove is now colored with lime, yellow, orange and red Quaking aspen that are reflected in the lake's clear blue waters.

It is peaking virtually everywhere above 9,000' in Bishop Creek Canyon, a big change from days ago. Bishop Creek Canyon has three river forks: south, middle and north. All are displaying bright color at various states of change.

Cloudy skies are predicted next week, which should create dramatic sunset photographs.

Southern Inyo County

  • Mt Whitney Trail (8,360' to 14,505'') - Patchy to Peak (10-100%) GO NOW!

  • Whitney Portal (8,375') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Onion Valley (9,600') - Patchy (10-50%)

South Fork, Bishop Creek Canyon

  • South Lake (9,768') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!

  • Weir Pond (9,650') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!

  • Parcher's Resort (9,260') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!

  • Willow Campground (9,000') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.

  • Surveyor's Meadow (8,975') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.

  • Table Mountain Camp (8,900') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.

  • Stiny Loop. Mt. Glen Camp (8,850') - Patchy (10-50%)

  • Mist Falls and the Groves Above Bishop Creek Lodge (8,350') - Patchy (10-50%)

  • Four Jeffries (8,000') - Just Starting (0-10%)

Middle Fork, Bishop Creek Canyon

  • Lake Sabrina (9,150') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!

  • Sabrina Approach (9,100') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!

  • Sabrina Campground (9,000') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.

  • Groves Above Cardinal Village (8,550') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.

  • Aspendell (8,400') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Intake II (8,000') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Big Trees Campground (7,800') - Just Starting (0-10%)

North Fork, Bishop Creek Canyon

  • North Lake (9,225') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.

  • North Lake Rd (9,000') - Patchy (10-50%)


  • Bishop (4,150') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Buckley Ponds (4,150') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Rawson Ponds (4,150') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Owens Valley (4,000') - Just Starting (0-10%)


Both Sagehen Summit and Virginia Lakes are peaking and should be brilliant in the coming week. This is the weekend to see Sagehen at peak, as it will be much diminished by Oct 6. Both locations still have green mixed into yellow and orange, which normally would indicate the peak will last, but these locations are notoriously short lived. So, GO NOW!

If traveling to Virginia Lakes and have an AWD vehicle, take Dunderburg Meadows Road to Green Creek Road to see additional groves of peaking aspen with some red and crimson.

Peak is also appearing at Rock Creek Lake (9,705"), though lots if green trees are seen on the road leading up to the lake, meaning that peak will continue at this location for another two weeks. The Bodie Hills, Sonora Pass, Lobdell Lake Road, Conway Summit, McGee Creek Canyon, Convict Lake and Mammoth Lakes Basin all made nice progress this week but are all still at least a week out before approaching peak color.

Rock Creek Canyon

  • Rock Creek Road (9,600’) - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!- Rock Creek Lake is ringed with bright color and forests above 9,000' are at peak. Lower Rock Creek Road is still green, though don't be disappointed as you drive up the canyon as it is developing quickly and will be gorgeous at the end of the road by this weekend.

Crowley / McGee Creek / Convict Lake

  • McGee Creek Canyon (8,600’) - Patchy (10-50%) - There's good color to be found up the canyon, if you are willing to hike, making Upper McGee Creek canyon Hike of the Week. Mixed green and yellow leaves are seen at the campground, near US 395. CLICK HERE to read Modern Hiking's description of the trail.

  • Around Crowley community (6,781') - Just Starting (0-10%) - The first glimpses of yellow are seen glowing above the community of Crowley along mountain slopes.

  • Convict Lake (7850') - Just Starting (0-10%)

Mammoth Lakes

  • Mammoth Lakes Basin (8,996') - Patchy to Near Peak (10-75%) Go Now. - Snowcreek is speckled with brightly colored foliage and developing. Devil's Postpile NM and Rainbow Falls are Near Peak. There is mixed color developing in the Lakes Basin. Some shores are now past peak, while others are still patchy. It's definitely worth a hike when visiting Mammoth Lakes - gorgeous scenery!

  • Rainbow Falls (7,415' - Patchy (10-50%)

  • Devil's Postpile NM (7,500') - Patchy (10-50%)

June Lake Loop

  • June Lake Loop/Hwy 158 (7,654') - Just Starting (0-10%) - This is estimated to peak Oct. 15 - 20.

Benton & 120 East

  • Sagehen Summit (8,139’) - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW! - Brilliant yellow and oranges carpet the hillsides, making this location Peak of the Week. There is still some green in the lower section of the dirt road, but GO NOW! as peak will not last more than a week at this location. It should remain spectacular over the weekend and for a few days longer.

Lee Vining / Lundy

  • Tioga Pass (9,943') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Lee Vining Canyon (6,781') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Lundy Lake & Canyon (7,858') - Just Starting (0-10%) - The colors get better the higher you hike. Give this a week.

Bridgeport / Virginia Lakes / Dunderberg / Summers

  • Twin Lakes (7,000') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Bodie Hills (9,419') - Patchy to Near Peak (10-75%) Go Now. - Some groves near four corners are Near Peak, while the lower elevations are still green. This would be a great ATV/UTV outing this weekend.

  • Virginia Lakes (9,819’) - Peak (75 -100%) GO NOW! - Yellow groves at Little Virginia Lake just peaked. There's lots of peak color at the upper elevations and plenty still to develop lower down, with mixed green and lime found along the lower section of the Virginia Lakes Road and some entirely green sections of trees on the north side of Big Virginia. This area should be perfect in the coming week.

  • Conway Summit (8,143) - Patchy (10-50%) - Still very green down below. Closer to 10% with some groves up higher, near 50%, but you'll need a long lens to capture them from US 395.

  • Summers Meadow (7,200') - Just Starting (0-10%) - There's better color up high near Tamarack, if you have an 4x4.

Lobdell / Sonora Pass/ Walker / Coleville / Topaz

  • Lobdell Lake Road (9,274') - Patchy (10-50%) - Just starting along the road with the best color just below the lake.

  • Sonora Pass (9,623') - Patchy (10-50%)

  • Monitor Pass (8,314') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • West Walker River, Walker, Coleville and Topaz (5,200') - Just Starting (0-10%)

Bridgeport / Virginia Lakes / Dunderberg / Summers

  • Twin Lakes (7,000') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Bodie Hills (9,419') - Patchy to Near Peak (10-75%) Go Now. - Some groves near four corners are Near Peak, while the lower elevations are still green. This would be a great ATV/UTV outing this weekend.

  • Virginia Lakes (9,819’) - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!- Yellow groves at Little Virginia Lake peaked today. Still mixed green and lime along the lower section of the Virginia Lakes Road. Some entirely green sections of trees on the north side of Big Virginia. Should be perfect in the coming week.

  • Conway Summit (8,143) - Patchy (10-50%) - Still very green down below. Closer to 10% with some groves up higher, near 50%, but you'll need a long lens to capture them from US 395.

  • Summers Meadow (7,200') - Just Starting (0-10%) - There's better color up high near Tamarack, if you have an 4x4.

Lobdell / Sonora Pass/ Walker / Coleville / Topaz

  • Lobdell Lake Road (9,274') - Patchy (10-50%) - Just starting along the road with the best color just below the lake.

  • Sonora Pass (9,623') - Patchy (10-50%)

  • Monitor Pass (8,314') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • West Walker River, Walker, Coleville and Topaz (5,200') - Just Starting (0-10%)


Hope Valley / Carson Pass / Caples Lake

  • Caples Lake (7,800') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Carson Pass (8,652') - Patchy (10-50%)

  • Red Lake (7,861') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Red Lake Creek (7,550') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Blue Lakes Rd (7,550') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Hope Valley (7,300') - Just Starting (0-10%)

  • Wylder Hope Valley Resort (7,000') - Just Starting (0-10%)

Lake Tahoe

· Lake Tahoe (6,225') - Just Starting (0-10%)


· Thompson Lake (3,420') - Just Starting (0-10%)


· El Dorado Hills (768’) – Just Starting (0-10%)


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