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From the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, UNWTO guiding the tourism sector as it faces up to an unprecedented challenge. To spearhead a strong and coordinated response, Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili hosted a high-level virtual meeting, bringing together key UN agencies, Member States and the private sector. All participants will work together as the Global Tourism Crisis Committee, responding to the evolving situation and ensuring tourism is ready to lead recovery efforts.

The hashtag #TravelTomorrow has been embraced by countries across the world (for example Croatia, Serbia, Zimbabwe), cities (amongst others Belfast, Kranj) travel organizations and private businesses as they unite behind UNWTO’s response to the challenge of COVID-19.

Thanks to all for amplifying this strong message and for being part of the solution!

As many people around the world keep travelling for vital humanitarian reasons, or to keep supply chains moving, UNWTO has emphasized the responsibility that all travellers have to themselves and to others. The latest UNWTO guidelines for travellers are built on WHO recommendations and make clear that there can be no excuses and no exceptions.

In times of crisis, trusted information is more important than ever. As the United Nations specialized agency for responsible and sustainable tourism, UNWTO is part of the cross-agency UN communications response to COVID-19, providing evidence-based recommendations, and committed to integrity and transparency and putting public health first at all times.

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