Welcome to this 30th edition of Vol 3 of the Saint Ange Tourism Report of 2019. After the Nigeria Tourism Trade Fair and Conference, all eyes turned to Paris in France for IFTM, the Top Resa Tourism Trade Fair in the first days of October.

The Costa Cruises announcement that they were dropping the Indian Ocean Region which includes the Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Comoros and Mayotte preoccupied tourism operators, especially after all the push and support provided by the Region's Vanilla Islands. The collapse of Thomas Cook was also a much discussed matter as the void they will create will need to be filled and any financial losses analysed. These challenges are only a sign of the volatility of the tourism industry and the need to always be conscious that it needs to be not just nurtured but also understood.
The recent drive against foreigners in South Africa has shocked many and reactions have come from far and wide. South Africa is nevertheless known for its welcoming approach and friendliness. At the AKWAABA 2019 Festival and Tourism Conference in Lagos Nigeria, a much needed reassurance of the South Africa we all knew and appreciated was displayed when a gentleman from South Africa happily informed everyone that he is set to marry a lady from Kenya before the end of the year. This coming together through tourism opened the doors for two tourism professionals to tie the knot. Both are respected and known tourism professionals in their own country and the Kenyan Tour Operator is making arrangements to move to South Africa where her partner and husband-to-be is a Hotelier and part of one of the largest Hotel Brands of the Country. They met through a tourism event a year ago and did not allow the recent troubles in South Africa distract them from their commitment towards each other. Tourism was the industry that brought them together and Nigeria the country that staged that tourism event. Today we can say Congratulations to the happy couple and from Seychelles we wish you both happiness.📷Meeting the future couple at the AKWAABA 2019 "Together they will help bring their respective countries even closer together"I consider myself lucky to have been seated alongside the South African and Kenyan couple and appreciated their commitment to do all they can to strengthen tourism not only in South Africa and Kenya but also Africa wide.

Honoured to be listed in 'Africa Travel 100 Global Personalities' for the World of Tourism alongside Minister Najib Balala of Kenya, Minister Edmund Bartlett of Jamaica & others at Akwaaba in Lagos📷Alain St.Ange makes the "Africa Travel 100 Global Tourism Personalities" list📷Listed in the 'Africa Travel 100 Global Personalities' for the World of Tourism alongside Najib Balala, the Minister of Tourism of Kenya and Edmund Bartlett, the Tourism Minister of Jamaica 📷📷
As the Seychelles former Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine I was honoured to be listed in the "Africa Travel 100 Global Personalities" for the World of Tourism alongside Najib Balala, the Minister of Tourism of Kenya and Edmund Bartlett, the Tourism Minister of Jamaica and others by the African Travel and Tourism Industry at last week's Akwaaba African Travel Market In Lagos.
The two Tourism Ministers and myself referred to as three top tourism personalities were honoured for our exemplary work and contribution to the growth of the tourism in Africa, in the Diaspora and in the World.
This award was given after the First African Tourism Diaspora Conference 2019.
In his remarks at the award, the publisher of ATQ News, Mr Ikechi Uko said: “The award recognizes personalities of African origin, living in Africa or outside the continent, irrespective of their current citizenship or nationality who are willing to contribute to the development of the continent and its Diaspora.”
Mr Uko stated further that: ” We organised Africa Travel 100 Women Award in 2017 and women in Tourism groups in Africa took off and in 2018 we organised the Africa Travel 100 Awards for Tour Operators and organised the first African Tour Operators Summit and this event of Africa Travel 100 global Personalities will finally bring together all the major players in Africa and the Diaspora. This collaboration with Kitty Pope and her organisation will help energise collaborations across the seas.”
Speaking also, the executive director of Africa Diaspora Awards, Kitty Pope of the USA said “I am so excited to be a part of this project and 2019 marks the 400 years of the Trans-Atlantic slave Trade. This event finally reconnect Africa and it’s Diaspora in the right way through Travel and Tourism.”
In my response after receiving the prestigious "Africa Travel 100 Global Personalities" Award , I said that the award was a tremendous honour for the work I have been doing for tourism as an industry.
“I thank wholeheartedly the African Tourism Diaspora for this wonderful recognition” I said as I collected his award.
As the sitting President of African Tourism Board Association I have been working to create avenues for the continued growth of tourism.
The Africa Travel 100 Awards, now in its 18th year, has recognized over the years leaders, industry practitioners and government officials who have promoted tourism and improved travel using unique platforms and new information.
It is also set up to recognize individuals who have distinguished themselves as foremost and outstanding drivers in the travel and tourism industry and through their efforts and that of their organizations have impacted positively to the travel and tourism sector, stimulating and helping to achieve the country’s tourism goals and forging interactions among stakeholders.
Akwaaba Travel Market has grown to become the most important African Tourism marketing platform in the West Africa drawing attendance from numerous visitors from over 20 Countries.
The Travel Fair not only boasts a large amount of visitors but also excels in the promotion of the Exhibitors from the region’s leading Hotels, Airlines, Travel Agents, Tour Operators and similar industry Suppliers that participates in the Event.
Tourism: Seychelles should be concerned after Costa Cruise's withdrawal from the Indian Ocean📷Costa Cruise Ship in Port Victoria📷The announcement that Costa Cruises is dropping the Seychelles and the Indian Ocean Region is a warning bell and the Ministers of the Vanilla Islands must meet urgently to prepare a joint action plan.
The main stakeholders in the tourism sector are starting to get worried after this announcement by Costa Cruise, which puts an end to its operations in the Indian Ocean. This announcement comes just after the announcement of the liquidation for bankruptcy of Thomas Cook, the big British tour operator.
Hoteliers and Tourism Industry Professionals are meeting and waiting for an official communication from authorities. Costa Cruise local representatives in Mauritius are saying that for now only travel agents have been informed, not suppliers. They argue that this situation causes shock and considerable consequences for the various suppliers and the Mauritian destination as a whole. This withdrawal of Costa Cruise is equivalent to the loss of a three thousand passenger ship every two to three weeks from October to April.
Job risks include independent guides, meeting and greeting officers, loss of income by DMCs, Port Victoria, SEPEC, Taxi Operators, lost of sales by Arts & Craft Dealers among many other shortfall. Discussions are also highlighting a lack of revenue not only for local suppliers such as restaurants, local markets and parks among others, but also for airlines who fly passengers in and out who are leaving or boarding the ship in Port Victoria.
The tourism situation got tougher but a week ago with the world's oldest tour operator, Thomas Cook, who declared bankruptcy after failing to find the necessary funds for its survival, triggering the unprecedented repatriation of its 600,000 or so customers holidays around the world.
As a former Minister of Tourism, I know that this is now a worry and Seychelles needs to rally its allies before more bad news comes our way.
Seychelles and the region worked hard to get this armada of cruise ships to work in the region. The Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands has always led the way in terms of cruises.
We all know that too many people have invested in tourism. Many many work in the industry today and it is this same industry that remains the pillar of the Seychelles economy. The Tourism Cross Sectorial Ministerial Meetings need to finalise items on its agenda and Seychelles must stand together for its tourism.Congratulations to Jacinta Nzioko who will be appointed Director of Kenya Convention Bureau📷Jacinta Nzioko to be appointed Director of Kenya Convention Bureau📷with Jacinta Nzioko during a working visit to NairobiINDUSTRY VETERAN MOVES FROM KTB TO THE NEWLY ESTABLISHED CONVENTION BUREAU
News are emerging at the sidelines of the just opened Magical Kenya Travel Expo 2019, that Mrs. Jacinta Nzioka will be heading the newly created Kenya Convention Bureau. In the pipeline, as reported by ATCNews at the time, for over two years, is the new organization now becoming reality at last.
Kenya has in recent years lost in the African rankings of leading MICE destinations and the lack of a convention bureau was seen as one reason, others being the state of the KICC which is in urgent need of a major overhaul.
Jacinta was for several years Director of Marketing at the Kenya Tourism Board, at one stage Acting CEO while a new substantive CEO was being sourced and has gained the admiration and respect of Kenya’s tourism industry – and of course beyond. It is understood that parliamentary oversight may still have to confirm the appointment but given her track record and reputation and the complete lack of shadows hanging over her will no doubt see her confirmation being fast tracked.
From ATCNews it is a hearty congratulations and the promise of continued close cooperation to promote destination Magical Kenya.
Source:- ATC News
On behalf of the Saint Ange Tourism Consultancy & the Saint Ange Tourism Report we wish to say Congratulations to Jacinta Nzioko. We are indeed proud of you and know that under your leadership the Kenya MICE market will be pushed to new heights. IFTM in Paris 2019📷📷📷📷Seychelles announced its presence at IFTM 2019IFTM Top Resa continues to provide the opportunity for participating professionals to meet targeted visitors, increase their turnover and their business, develop their brand image, take stock of market developments and trends. Paris Porte de Versailles was once again the stage for tourism operators and professionals from the 1 to the 4 of October.
The Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) and their trade partners had also geared up to be part of the 41st edition of the IFTM Top Resa 2019 in France.
The four-day event took place in Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, from the October 1, 2019 to October 4, 2019. The delegation was being headed by Minster Didier Dogley, the Seychelles Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marines accompanied by the CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board, Mrs. Sherin Francis. Alongside the Minister and STB Chief Executive, Mrs Bernadette Willemin STB Europe Director, the STB Paris team and representatives from the STB Seychelles Headquarters ensured that the Seychelles did shine once again at the IFTM Top Resa.
New Seychelles Beer has been launched for Seychelles by Seychelles📷📷Christian Mein is the young Seychellois who is operating under the name ADMIRAL BREWERY who launched a new beer in Seychelles on the 3rd October called "Seychelles Blonde".
This is seen as a fresh choice for both the Seychellois public and for the visitors to the islands. Comments from beer drinkers have been very positive and we take this opportunity to wish Christian Mein success in his new venture.Change is by example and not by opinion📷The world is screaming for change and a marking photo that caught the eyes of many carries a message "The World is Changed By Your Example Not Your Opinion".
The message carries a lot of weight as it is accepted that all the talking with no action will bring no change at all to the overwhelming climate change call.
Too often many hide behind opinions and their own principles and forget that the reality that makes the difference is on the ground where action always speaks louder than words.
Saving our world is by example and not one's opinion.
It is important to again acknowledge all who are diligently re-posting the Saint Ange Tourism Report weekly. Our Report ranges far and wide, from Australia to the Americas, from the Indian Ocean Vanilla islands to Africa & Asian and Greater Europe, with your continued support, which is greatly appreciated. You are helping us to grow from strength to strength with each new Edition.
Enjoy the read,
Alain St.Ange
Saint Ange Consultancy
Addressing the Tourism Conference in Nigeria
📷Alain St.Ange addressing the tourism conference in Nigeria📷📷📷📷Delegates at the Tourism Conference in Nigeria as Alain St.Ange took to the podiumJust over a week ago the world of tourism had its eyes on Nigeria as tourism professionals and experts met to discuss different facets of this important industry. With the African Union as a cooperating body behind the event, participants from as far as the Caribbean joined counterparts in Africa and the islands of the continent to discuss tourism. The official opening ceremony of the 15th Akwaaba, African Travel Market 2019 took place on Sunday the 22 September by Nigeria's Father of Tourism, Chief Mike Amachree in the presence of several Tourism Minister from the Continent and a large contingent of the Press personalities and tourism operators. On Monday the 23rd and on Tuesday the 24th September invited delegates took to the floor for the 1st Africa Diaspora Tourism Conference. Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles former Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine and the sitting President of the African Tourism Board was invited to be a guest speaker at this 1st Africa Diaspora Tourism Conference. Alain St.Ange said as he took to the podium that Africa must decide to use all its assets and key USPs to reposition Africa and rewrite its own narrative. To great applause right through his address, St.Ange spoke from his heart to beg Africa to work with Africa so that Africa can be strong. Alain St.Ange is today regarded as one of the "top tourism personalities in the world of tourism", words used to describe him as he was called to the stage by none other than Ikechi Uko himself.
Tourism Operators - Mason's Travel conscious of its role as good custodians of the environment
📷Mason's Travel Staff untangling the trapped turtle to set it free📷The trapped juvenile hawksbill turtle📷Catalina of Mason's Travel SeychellesSeychelles Maritime Parks Authority posted what they described as "Exciting news" last week.
They said:- "On Tuesday this week, Staff onboard Mason's Travel's Catalina, rescued a juvenile hawksbill turtle trapped in some nets. The crew were onboard waiting for the clients who had gone to visit Curieuse Island, when they spotted the struggling turtle. Martin Brioche, Nicolas Marie and Claudette Esparon, quickly took the dinghy so that they could properly set the turtle free. Well done you guys for helping one of the tourists' favourite marine animal, the critically endangered Hawksbill!" The tourism industry survives on the destination's environment ant it is therefore essential for all players in the industry to do their part for Seychelles to be seen and listed as good custodians of what the island's have been blessed with. Martin Brioche, Nicolas Marie and Claudette Esparon of Mason's Travel Seychelles need to be congratulated for being serious tourism industry professionals.
Praslin - Minister Loustau-Lalanne visited Le Domaine de La Reserve and met with Mr Joe Albert
📷Minister Maurice Loustau-Lalanne and
Mr Joe Albert during his visit to le Domaine de La ReserveThe Minister responsible Finance visited Praslin and Le Domaine de La Reserve Hotel and many other tourism establishments when he was Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine.
Mr. Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, had visited Praslin Island as he continued to visit tourism businesses, mainly holiday accommodations, in Seychelles. Praslin, the Seychelles’ second most populated island, is home to many tourism businesses both big and small. Boasting lush tropical vegetation, clear turquoise waters and powder-white beaches that often make the list of the world’s best beaches, the island is a firm favorite among travelers to the archipelago.
Minister Loustau-Lalanne accompanied by the Principal Secretary for Tourism, Mrs. Anne Lafortune.
Le Domaine de La Reserve at Anse Petit Cours boasting 40 rooms, spread across beachfront deluxe villas and family suites as well as colonial superior villas, was the last and largest hotel visited by Minister Loustau-Lalanne on this trip to the island.
Bought by entrepreneur Joseph Albert a little over four years ago, the hotel is located within the Curieuse Marine Park.
The Minister was appraised of work done to refurbish the rooms and furniture to have them offer a mixture of old and new Creole chic with a rustic feel. During discussions with the owners, Mr. Albert and Mrs. Sylvie Fournier, the Minister and his delegation learnt that most of the hotels’ clients are from Europe and that the establishment employs nearly 100 employees, of which 93 percent are Seychellois.
While they took the opportunity to showcase their successes and address constraints to the Tourism authorities it was evident that one of the main concerns of the hotelier of Praslin , was the lack of sights and activities, including new excursions that would entice visitors holidaying on Praslin to spend more time and money on the island.
Ways to maximize the potential that exists to develop more activities that visitors could undertake on Curieuse Island, a marine national park, located off the north coast of Praslin, was among suggestions highlighted.
“We have had several good ideas presented by the small, medium and big hotels and I see this as a good initiative on their part. We now need to follow up to facilitate the implementation of these ideas together with other ministries that would be involved,” said Mr. Loustau-Lalanne.
“They are not things that would cost a lot of money we just need to ensure that things get moving as soon as possible,” he added.
The aim of the series of visits that was undertaken by Minister Loustau-Lalanne accompanied by PS Lafortune is to be aware of the various services and products on offer, to appreciate the successes and gain an understanding of challenges faced by these establishments.
Source:- Seychelles Tourism Board
A five star holiday to Seychelles for US $100 only
📷Marie France McGregor and Alan Laporte📷The best of Seychelles for US $100📷📷Sherin Francis, CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board and Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles former Seychelles Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine addressed the launch evening📷"Seychelles $100 gift to the world: Two weeks luxury Seychelles vacation" is how the world heard of the new Seychelles Tourism Lottery. Many International Journalists were in Seychelles for the official launch of the Tourism Lottery and they have all been reporting on this world first that will see the best of Seychelles offered as part of a dream holiday for a US $ 100 ticket for a draw.
eTN Buzz.Travel on their part wrote:- "Since 1980, the United Nations World Tourism Organization has celebrated World Tourism Day as international observances on September 27. This date was chosen as on that day in 1970, the Statutes of the UNWTO were adopted. The adoption of these Statutes is considered a milestone in global tourism.
Good wishes are exchanged around the globe. A tiny country with a huge tourism industry has a special approach this World Tourism Day. It started with an idea over a glass of wine at the Treasury Cove Hotel in Seychelles.
The idea came from Marie France MacGregor, owner of this small luxury family-owned resort.
For $100.00 visitors or future visitors can enter a lottery and the possibility to award them with a luxury vacation no one will ever forget. Starting with first-class round trip air from anywhere on the globe, staying in the best suite in some of the best luxury resorts, a private yacht takes winners on a cruise, helicopter transportation, all the gourmet food you can eat and much more. Even if you don’t win one of the luxury vacations, your $100 investment can be used for a downpayment on a future Seychelles holiday.
World Tourism Day is the day this unique opportunity started. It’s the first of its kind, and it’s a gift to the world by Seychelles. More on www.mazmillions.com"
ADVERT:- Levasseur Rum from Seychelles📷
Club Med transformation of Beachcomber Seychelles St. Anne Resort nearing completion
📷Ste Anne Island of the Seychelles📷Club Med SeychellesIt is now confirmed that work that started well over a year ago to transform the 87 room Beachcomber St. Anne Resort into a whopping 295 room Club Med is now nearing completion.
It was in late 2017 when the announcement was made that Club Med would take over – though the ownership of the property would remain with Beachcomber – for an initial 12 years lease and management. The present rebuilding, enlargement and upgrading will, when completed, bring the Sainte Anne Resort & Spa into the Club Med 5 Star segment at a cost of at least 80 million US Dollars. The resort, located on the island of St. Anne, is a 15 minutes boat ride away from Mahe with shuttle services leaving from a dedicated jetty. The 220 hectares large private island is surrounded by one of Seychelles’ marine national parks.
The Seychelles Minister responsible for Finance, Maurice Loustau-Lalanne said recently that he was hoping to see the reopening of the Ste Anne Resort in mid-2020 during the islands settlement celebrations that in earnest started on the island of Ste Anne itself.
Business Traveller Henley Index: Japan and Singapore top 2019 list of world's most powerful passports Rankings:- Seychelles 24th. Mauritius 28th
📷📷World's most powerful passports: Global citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners has released its quarterly report on the world's most desirable passports. Click on to find out which passport offers the most access in 2019.Justin Sullivan/Getty Images North America/Getty ImagesCNN Travel reports:- It's been a two-horse race this year to be named the world's most powerful passport, with both top contenders in Asia. Now, as we enter the final quarter of 2019, Japan and Singapore have held onto their position as the world's most travel-friendly passports. That's the view of the Henley Passport Index, which periodically measures the access each country's travel document affords.Singapore and Japan's passports have topped the rankings thanks to both documents offering access to 190 countries each. South Korea rubs shoulders with Finland and Germany in second place, with citizens of all three countries able to access 188 jurisdictions around the world without a prior visa. Finland has benefited from recent changes to Pakistan's formerly highly restrictive visa policy. Pakistan now offers an ETA (Electronic Travel Authority) to citizens of 50 countries, including Finland, Japan, Spain, Malta, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates -- but not, notably, the United States or the UK. The European countries of Denmark, Italy and Luxembourg hold third place in the index, with visa-free/visa-on-arrival access to 187 countries, while France, Spain and Sweden are in the fourth slot, with a score of 186. Five years ago, the United States and the UK topped the rankings in 2014 -- but both countries have now slipped down to sixth place, the lowest position either has held since 2010. While the Brexit process has yet to directly impact on the UK's ranking, the Henley Passport Index press release observed in July, "with its exit from the EU now imminent, and coupled with ongoing confusion about the terms of its departure, the UK's once-strong position looks increasingly uncertain." The United Arab Emirates continues its ascent up the rankings, up five places to rank 15th. "It's the strongest climber this quarter," Lorraine Charles at Cambridge University's Centre for Business Research says in the October release. "While the UAE may not be able to compete with Saudi Arabia -- the regional hegemon -- in terms of military strength and economic power, the projection of its soft power is uncontested in the GCC." At the other end of the scale, Afghanistan is once again at the bottom of the rankings, with its citizens needing a prior visa for all but 25 destinations worldwide. Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, Chairman of Henley & Partners and the creator of the passport index concept, says in the July release: "With a few notable exceptions, the latest rankings from the Henley Passport Index show that countries around the world increasingly view visa-openness as crucial to economic and social progress." Other indexes Henley & Partner's list is one of several indexes created by financial firms to rank global passports according to the access they provide to their citizens. The Henley Passport Index is based on data provided by the International Air Transport Authority (IATA) and covers 199 passports and 227 travel destinations. It is updated in real time throughout the year, as and when visa policy changes come into effect. Arton Capital's Passport Index takes into consideration the passports of 193 United Nations member countries and six territories -- ROC Taiwan, Macau (SAR China), Hong Kong (SAR China), Kosovo, Palestinian Territory and the Vatican. Territories annexed to other countries are excluded. Its 2019 index puts the UAE on top with a "visa-free score" of 177, followed by Germany, Finland, Luxembourg and Spain with 170. Source:- Business Traveller
A MUST TO ATTEND Conference a day before World Travel Market (WTM) in London
📷📷Dr Taleb RifaiA message from Dr. Taleb Rifai, Chairman ITIC Advisory Board and Former Secretary-General, UNWTO
Travel and tourism has become a major force of globalization, developing and accelerating at a phenomenon pace over the past decades. With improved connectivity, and major innovations in telecommunications and the web, the rate of growth of this sector has been accelerating at record height to stand out as one of the main economic pillars for destinations across the world.
The International Tourism and Investment Conference (ITIC) 2019 is meant to trigger a new thought process in tourism development in the wake of new technological innovation which is now being driven by block chain and artificial intelligence amidst changing geo-political forces.
Whilst world tourism is characterized by large inflows of visitors to Europe, America and Asia and Pacific, the potentials for tourism development in Africa are simply enormous. In focusing on the such developing regions, it is particularly important to highlight the contributions of island destinations in world tourism, as these are very attractive and are becoming the focus of the new generation of world travellers., yet they are particularly more vulnerable.
Likewise, the role of tourism towards more job and wealth creation signals a need for greater women participation and youth involvement in this dynamic industry. Empowering women and our youth to embark on a new and challenging mission for tourism should entail bigger investment and creativity for greater returns and value addition.
ITIC 2019 that will be held in November 2019 in London aims at addressing some of the key issues impacting on travel and tourism with a focus on investment potentials in new destinations, women entrepreneurship, youth empowerment and innovation. A wide cross-section of the business community is expected to participate in this important conference, which will also coincide with the World Travel Market. It will be an ideal platform to meet with key decision-makers, tourism developers, high net worth individuals and hotel promoters in search of new opportunities, as well as consultants and sector specialists from different parts of the world.
The travel and tourism industry has a bright future ahead. The shape and dimension of this industry depends on our vision and actions so it could generate higher returns on investment whilst opening a gateway to new business opportunities for those who dare.
It is therefore a great honor for me to invite you to attend ITIC 2019 ,to held immediately before WTM in London ,so we may all benefit from our collective experience under one roof and thus trigger a new thought leadership for a new economic vision for tourism. Let us join hands together to propel tourism to greater heights for economic wellbeing, social advancement, and innovation.
Beyond its economic importance to societies, our sector is yet fulfilling another noble mission. Tourism is a process of cultural exchange . It is a sector that deals primarily with human beings in search of experience, wellness and prosperity in a spirit of harmonious interactions with peoples of different origins, cultures and lifestyles.
Defining new pathways and investing in tourism is bound to create a new momentum that should help Governments, the business community and host nations at large to reap the benefits of tourism in a responsible, equitable and sustainable manner. It is just a matter of vision peppered with a good dose of audacity. Let us therefore follow our common dreams and see you all soon at ITIC 2019.
Source:- eTN
ADVERT:- Seaweed Seychelles📷
Seychelles Tourism Board France rolls out its autumn-winter outdoor advertising campaign
The Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) launched an above-the-line advertising campaign in France aimed at reaching out to potential holidaymakers on that market.
The advertising campaign ran from September 11th to the 24th in the French capital of Paris, where visitors were able to get a taste of Seychelles through various displays of the Island paradise that were set up around the city.
The campaign exposed the Parisians to the tropical charms of the illustrious Seychelles Islands and the diversity of the activities it has to offer all its visitors. This presented the Seychelles as a holiday destination for the locals during the winter holidays, which are fast approaching.
With the assistance of JCDecaux, a leading French company of outdoor advertising worldwide, visuals were designed and strategically installed around Paris and other suburban areas.
To maximise the exposure of the Seychelles in Paris, 161 panoramic adverts were set up in kiosks in busy zones close to commercial areas such as the Champs Elysees, some libraries, city hall, boulevard Haussmann. Outdoor billboards were also placed in key locations in the Parisian suburbs.
The Parisian Open Tour busses, 100% green energy buses which offer sightseeing tour of the capital, also gave the Seychelles exposure by displaying its tropical landscapes on several buses between the September 11th and 24th. These buses circulate the most emblematic neighbourhoods and the most well-known monuments of the capital, on a daily basis. Around 40% of the active high purchasing power Parisians frequent these routes, and were therefore exposed to these remarkably stunning pictures.
The STB Paris office is continuously increasing Seychelles visibility on the French market through digital media, which at the moment is especially dedicated to diving before the international dive show in Paris in January 2020. Also, through print, STB Paris is promoting the Seychelles lush tropical environment, turquoise waters, sandy beached and vibrant marine life, as well as the creole culture to the French public.
The Seychelles Tourism Board Director for Europe, Bernadette Willemin, said: “The communication plan was aimed at being present in the heart of the capital and the nearby suburbs, which are affluent areas with great potential for our destination."
Mrs Willemin added that “the outdoor campaign will go a long way in making Seychelles more visible on the French market and reach even more potential holidaymakers that may not necessarily have the chance to visit trade fairs and workshops conducted on the market”.
France has long been a major tourist market for Seychelles, currently it is the second largest market for Seychelles, after Germany. After closing the year 2018 with an increase in the number of visitors by 6%, France continued to show positive signs at the beginning of this year 2019. Figures from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) records show that as of September 22nd 2019, 30,310 visitors were from France.
The advertising campaigns completed other ongoing and upcoming activities for consumers and tourism trade partners for the Autumn/Winter 2019-2020 season.
Source:- Seychelles Tourism Board
ADVERT:- La Digue Self Catering - Seychelles📷📷
Africa: Akwaaba Travel Market, Linking Aviation To Tourism
Participants at the 15th Akwaaba African Travel Market held in Lagos last week have again emphasised the relevance of aviation to tourism development.
Prior to now, key players in the aviation and tourism sector had hammered on the need for the Federal Government and all relevant stakeholders to to ensure both industry close the gap existing for the purpose of not only opening Nigeria to the world through vibrant tourism, but also selling the potential endowed with the country through air transport.
Obviously, tourism can not thrive in a country that does not prioritise its aviation sector as the aviation sector through its viable airports is expected to serve as the driver through where tourism flourishes.
For some time the subsequent governments have not given the required attention needed to the tourism and aviation sectors forgetting that these two if well managed may fetch much more fortunes to the GDP of the country.
As the two sectors remain critical to the development of the country, they are both interwoven and because of their importance to the economic growth of any country, the time has again come for the government to give priority to these two areas capable of generating higher margins even more than oil.
No wonder, stakeholders at the just concluded Akwaaba Travel Market from across Africa, Middle East and other parts of the world appealed to the Nigerian government and those of other African nations to shift attention to tourism and aviation growth for the purpose of making free movement and integration of the continent seamless at one end and also expose the tourism potential of the country to the outside world.
It is at this juncture that the Crucial Moment is joining other stakeholders to commend the organisers of the annual Akwaaba Travel Market which has become an avenue through where experts gather to deliberate on how to further close the existing gap between aviation and tourism.
Akwaaba which was started fifteen years ago by the well traveled journalist, Ikechi Ukoh has succeeded in using the annual event to continue to drum the importance of tourism and vibrant aviation sector to any country through the caliber of experts he brings.
Surprisingly, while other countries spreading across Middle East, the Caribbean, African countries like the Gambia, Ethiopia, Ghana have seized the opportunity to market their tourism and latest development in their aviation and airlines, Nigeria is yet to tap into this opportunity starring it in the face.
Ethiopia for example is a country ever ready to use the annual Akwaaba to market its tourism and aviation through its airline, Ethiopian Airlines as its officials vigorously talk about the tourist attractions in their country with the urge to present the wonders being performed by Ethiopian airlines.
While the three days event lasted, thank God for some Nigerian tourism experts like the President of the National Association of Nigeria Travel Agencies (NANTA), Bankoke Bernard and the tourism guru cum the present Director-General, National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC), Otunba Olusegun Runsewe, who attended the event, representatives of the various aviation agencies and even the airlines were not seen.
The lacaidassical attitude of the aviation agencies and the Nigerian airlines towards such an event has continued to be the sad story.
Talking about the importance of aviation to tourism, it is expected that when an avenue comes for the relevant authorities from the two sectors to exchange ideas on how to cooperate that such people will be available.
Unfortunately, reverse has been the case as the affected officials flex muscles even when they close their eyes to the nitty gritty required in keying into the critical components driving tourism and aviation that such gathering can present.
The question is; how does Nigeria grow these two sectors if the so called officials responsible for being the eyes and the ears of government are never present at events like the Akwaaba where issues surrounding the advancement of tourism and aviation remain the focus.
The obvious fact is that the organiser of Akwaaba which has become the largest travel market in Africa, has succeeded in presenting opportunities to the relevant key players in aviation and tourism to gather every year to exchange ideas on how to further bring the benefits inherent to bear on the global aviation community and in extension the tourism.
With the rate Akwaaba is going, there may soon come a time when it will attract wider interests from places like Europe, America and Asia and thus begin to offer similar purpose like the World Travel Market where tourism and aviation world meet to advance the importance of the supposed Siamese twins.
By Shola Adekola Source: tribuneonlineng.com
‘Kokosye’ a Solo Exhibition by Seychellois Artist – Egbert Marday
📷Egbert Marday 📷📷Arterial Network Seychelles is proud to present the long awaited Solo Exhibition of one Seychelles most favourite Artists.
A reminder for you to attend and provide press coverage of the official opening of ‘Kokosye’ a Solo Exhibition by Seychellois Artist – Egbert Marday. To be held at the Eden Art Space Gallery, Eden Island on Friday 11 October at 5 pm.
Egbert has lived an interesting life and has a lot of background material to share - he is passionate about his island home and also feels very deeply about the struggles facing Seychellois today such as with the drug problems – these themes are reflected in his artworks.
As always we invite members of the media to arrive at the Gallery pre-show from 5pm to film/photograph the artworks without obstruction - if you require time with the artist Egbert will be available for interview at this time along with Martin Kennedy the curator and sponsors.
Source:- Arterial Network Seychelles
Seychellois Optometrist becomes first to gain laser surgery qualification
📷Don WilliamsOptometrist Don Williams is the first UK optometrist to gain Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCO) accreditation in laser surgery.
Mr Williams, who owns Edgbaston Eye Clinic in Birmingham, completed the course which included techniques in YAG CAPs, YAG PI, SLT, retinal laser, argon laser and navilas laser earlier last month.
Training culminated with a one-day examination and took the optometrist around a year to complete. “There is a lot more to learning laser surgery than just the procedure. As well as the theory, you must learn how to use the machines and technology is changing fast,” Mr Williams told OT.
The IP-qualified optometrist completed the training alongside eight trainee surgeons and highlighted that his optometric experience in performing gonioscopy and contact funduscopy was key to his success.
Mr Williams will have the opportunity to utilise his newly-acquired skills in a weekly full-day laser surgery clinic at City Hospital Birmingham, where he will focus on glaucoma-related laser surgery such as YAG PI and SLT.
Mr Williams was encouraged and supported through the training by consultant ophthalmologist, Imran Masood.
The optometrist finds career satisfaction from further education. He highlighted that: “As an optometrist, with the right training and the right mentorship, I think we can do anything. One of the reasons I wanted to complete this training was to demonstrate to training optometrists the options that are available after qualification.”
Reflecting on the qualification, Mr Williams told OT that “it felt amazing” to receive the final certificate. “It gave me a sense of achievement, having accomplished something that not a lot of your colleagues in optometry have achieved. It has certainly also helped increase my confidence too,” he shared.
“In my hospital work, I work in the complex glaucoma department and only see surgical glaucoma patients. When you are working with fellows and consultants and you then become qualified and able to do procedures such as laser, you begin to really feel like you are part of a team; you feel complete,” he added.
Source:- Optometry Today by Emily McCormick
Editor's Note:- Don Williams is a Seychellois and we are proud to record his achievements. Congratulations to you Don
Africa World Airlines Bags Best Passenger Experience Award
📷Africa World Airlines (AWA), Ghana’s leading domestic carriers has continued to add more features to its hat as the airlines has just been awarded the Best Passenger Experience award. The airline bagged the award at the aviatour award 2019.
AWA recently emerged the best domestic airline in Ghana for the fourth consecutive time. The airline was recently inducted into the CIMG Hall of Fame after being chosen as the best carrier in the country and has consistently maintained the position since 2015.
The airline COO, Sean Mendis thanked its loyal customers for continuing to make it the preferred choice in air travel.
He said: “Congratulations to our over 500 team members throughout the region, whose efforts to deliver safe and reliable air transport services have been recognised yet again.”
Source:- ATQ News
Air Seychelles chooses Sri Lankan firm to maintain new Airbus A320neo
📷Air Seychelles A320neo called 'Veuve' landing at the international airport at Pointe Larue. (Air Seychelles)
Air Seychelles has signed a contract with SriLankan Engineering to carry out maintenance of its new Airbus A320neo aircraft ‘Veuve’.
Air Seychelles’ head of corporate affairs, Sheryl Barra, told SNA that the airline chose the engineering team of the Sri Lankan Airlines as it is already an A320neo operator within the region.
“Following an in-depth inspection of the airline’s engineering maintenance facility which successfully met all the requirements and standards of Air Seychelles, the national airline selected SriLankan engineering to conduct ‘A-check’ on its Airbus A320neo aircraft Veuve,” said Barra.
Air Seychelles added the new AirbusA320 to its fleet at the beginning of August to become the first airline in the western Indian Ocean and Africa to have the aircraft. The national carrier is leasing the aircraft from CDB Aviation -- a wholly owned Irish subsidiary of China Development Bank financial leasing company -- for around $300,000 per month for 12 years.
SriLankan Engineering is the aircraft maintenance repair organisation of SriLankan Airlines.
Barra added that apart from a specialised hanger to do the maintenance for the A320neo aircraft type, the facility which is maintained by experienced SriLankan Engineering staff is certified by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency.
“Currently, the Air Seychelles maintenance facility at the Seychelles International Airport is not equipped or certified to conduct ‘A checks’ on the aircraft which is why SriLankan Engineering was chosen to conduct this specific task,” she added.
‘A Check’ is usually done every eight to ten weeks and involves changing filters and a detailed inspection of all the emergency equipment.
Barra says for the A320neo the check will be conducted every two months. The first maintenance was done soon after the signing of the contract two weeks ago.
Air Seychelles did not disclose the cost nor the duration of the contract but said the service is being delivered only on the new Airbus A320neo aircraft.
In an article published by SriLankan Airlines last Tuesday, the SriLankan Engineering said it welcomes Air Seychelles as its new airline customer.
“We are delighted to welcome Air Seychelles as a valued customer and look forward to a long and fruitful relationship,” D.A.G. Jayasuriya, Chief Technical Officer of SriLankan Airlines said.
SriLankan Engineering holds approvals from numerous national aviation authorities including Singapore, China, India, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to carry out aircraft maintenance.
It also provides full engineering services for the entire SriLankan Airlines fleet, which is comprised of A320, A321 and A330 aircraft.
Source:- Seychelles News Agency
Editor's Note:- Air Seychelles does not operate a regular service to Sri Lanka and the service run will be dry runs only
ADVERT:- Dar & Douce Self Catering - Seychelles📷
Seychelles’ tropical ambience spreads in Durban’s shopping mall
The Seychelles Tourism Board South African office brought the lush Seychelles atmosphere to Durban shoppers, through a week-long exhibition in the Getaway Mall starting from Tuesday September 24th to Monday September 30th.
Getaway is the most prominent shopping mall in Durban, and with the exhibition launch being on Heritage Day, a public holiday, there was an immense traffic to the stand.
The Seychelles stand, situated on the ground floor next to the main entrance, depicted a tropical beach scene with sun loungers where many visitors engaged with the setting, snapping photos to capture the moment.
With the STB team present, customers had the opportunity to enquire about the destination and packages on offer.
The STB office partnered with the Seychelles national carrier, Air Seychelles and One Stop tour operator for this exhibition.
In partnership with Air Seychelles, STB offered a 5-night holiday in the Seychelles to customers who participated in a small quiz, where the winner was picked after elimination.
The Seychelles Tourism Board Director for South Africa, Mrs Lena Hoareau, when commenting on the success of the event, said “Our biggest group were the shoppers but also the revellers who had come for the entertainment. We also had people who were on holiday from other countries and this was an opportunity to update themselves on the destination and what it offers.”
Mrs Hoareau expressed how Durban is an important catchment as they not only targeting direct travellers but also the onward traffic bound for Mumbai.
One Stop Tour operator, another of STB’s partners who helped promote the Island Destination during the exhibition, is one of Air Seychelles’ top seller for the Mumbai
route. They provide hands-on information to travellers interested in including the Seychelles to their travel itinerary.
Mrs. Hoareau stressed the importance of further encouraging passengers connecting with the Air Seychelles flight to Mumbai to stop over in the Seychelles for a few days, as many only pass through for transit.
South Africa remains a very important market for the Seychelles. With the increased capacity of Air Seychelles’ A320neo, there is an expected growth in the number of visitors on the route between Johannesburg and Mahe.
Source:- Seychelles Tourism Board
AKWAABA 2019: Networking: The Major Tool of Tourism Development
Akwaaba African Travel & Tourism market is an International travel, hospitality and tourism event organized in Lagos, Nigeria providing businesses, investors, professionals and buyers in the industry in Africa region to network and trade, it’s serves as a platform to impact knowledge and relevant information on trending developments and advanced approaches in the industry.
Akwaaba is the most recognized travel and tourism market in the West African region “Where Africa meets the World”.
This year’s edition and for the very first time in the history of the local government, Badagry officially took part from the preliminary stage which was a tour of the Ancient Badagry by the entire Akwaaba team alongside some groups from Diaspora warmly received on Friday 20th at the Council Secretariat by the Executive Chairman represented by the Secretary to the local government with other Executive Members of the Onilude led administration at about 4:00pm.
After much interactions with the team especially the Diaspora group led by Carol, I. Hay, Director of marketing UK & Europe of the Caribbean Tourism Organization and Dr. Kerry Hall, Director of Tourism Development of the Government of Barbados, and part of the request made by the Mayor of Badagry through his Supervisor for Education & Tourism to establish a Sister-City project between these communities in Diaspora and Badagry to strengthen their relationships, was really given a great attention by this group and promised to make this achievable for the good of Badagrians.
After the whole discussions, both the Diaspora groups and the entire team of Akwaaba were all decorated and costumed with Ankara Fabric by the executive chairman through his Secretary and members of the Executive council of the Badagry Local Government while one of the delicious delicacies of Badagry (Ajangun & Coconut) was served.
Shortly after the host by the local government, they made a visit also to His Royal Majesty, the Akran of Badagry kingdom and they were given a very special treat at the palace with presentation of Badagry Pilgrimage Certificates to the Diaspora group.
To wrap the visit up, they were also taken to some identified tourist sites and later back to 02 waterfront bar for brief reception with a cultural show performed by Gbenopo cultural troupe. After the whole fun of the day, they were taken to whispering palms to enjoy the rest of the night which was full of fun, engagement and exchange of ideas.
The next day Saturday 21st which was Day One of the main event at Convention Center, Eko Hotel Lagos, Badagry Local Government delegates arrived at the venue and were also received warmly by the Akwaaba team in their humble manner. After arriving at the venue, we proceeded to the Lagos Tourism pavilion and we were received with great honour by the members of the ministry of tourism Lagos led by Mrs Oni Ada and Mr. Babatunde Annan both are Directors in the ministry of tourism Lagos.
The high point of the program was the exhibition and presentation by all participating countries sharing their knowledge, experience and ways they’ve taken in getting to their present stage of development and revealing some of their future agenda. The participating countries include; Ghana, Nigeria, Dubai, Gambia, Caribbean, Lagos State, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Ondo State, Sudan and so on.
Also at the exhibition were various tour operators within and outside the country marketing their various packages to the audience. A lot were learnt during the event, especially the conference and workshop segments which encompass today’s Africa needs in driving economic growth through a sustainable international and Pan-African tourism with stakeholders and top players in the industry.
Other activities featured during Akwaaba 2019 are the African Travel Awards, Live Entertainment with Cultural Display across different countries, wine tasting, culinary events, opportunities to interact with the masters and so on.
The last day September 24th, which was Lagos Day in the program was indeed the best of the rest days.
The Lagos State ministry of tourism team led by Hon. Solomon Saanu Bonu, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Arts & Culture with the Permanent Secretary, Mr. Babatunde Mesewaku and the entire Directors of the ministry alongside the Badagry Local Government representatives led by the Supervisor for Education & Tourism Hon. Apata Samson Nunayon came into the hall in a grand style to really show Lagos is indeed the Centre of Excellence and the host State.
Lagos Tourism’s presentation was fantastic from the pavilion to the organized documentary and speeches by both the SA to the Governor and the PS.
Lagos State with the performance of our own Cultural Heritage from the Ancient City of Badagry (SATO DRUMMERS) took the center stage change the atmosphere of the hall completely as everyone yielded to the call of the drums with various dance steps.
Dignitaries at the event are numerous ranging from country representatives, State Governors, Ministers within and outside the shore of the country, commissioners, Directors, Local Government Mayors, Captain of industries, and so on.
The 15th edition of the Akwaaba African Travel & Tourism market was indeed a great and huge Success.
Thanks to Lagos State Government for the enabling environment created for the host.
Thanks to the Mayor of the Ancient City of Badagry Hon. Onilude Segun Adeniran for keying into the initiative…
Thanks to the CEO, Mr. Uko Ikechi for the initiative.
Source:- ATQ News
The Seychelles celebrates the 2nd edition of the Tourism Festival
The Seychelles Tourism Festival 2019 came to an end on World Tourism Day, Friday September 27, 2019 after an eventful week of celebrating and promoting the importance of tourism in Seychelles.
This year’s festival was centred on the theme ‘We Are Tourism: Our Pathway to Prosperity’ and focused on raising awareness of the role and significance of tourism in our country.
The second edition of the festival was officially launched by Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine, Didier Dogley, at the annual Tourism Ball, organised by the Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) and the Tourism Festival Committee, at Constance Ephelia on Saturday September 21, 2019.
The theme for this year’s ball was ‘Under the Sea’, which was reflected in the decorations made of recycled materials.
In attendance were tourism partners and stakeholders who united to celebrate the tourism industry. Minister Miriam Thelemaque, Minister of Employment, Immigration and Civil Status and Minister Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, Minister of Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning also attended the event.
Minister Dogley and Mrs Sybille Cardon, Chairman of the Seychelles Hospitality and Tourism Association, placed great emphasis on the significance of sustainability in their speeches, noting that it is crucial for the survival of the tourism industry.
The evening saw performances from Aaron Jean, who performed a song composed for the occasion by Jean Marc Volcy, and Joe Samy who performed his song ‘Oceans and Visions’.
The Tourism Ball was followed by the Food Fiesta the next day, which took place at Beau Vallon on Mahe and Cote D’Or on Praslin. The event featured the waiter’s race, in which waiters and waitresses from different hotel establishments as well as students from the Seychelles Tourism Academy participated.
The food fiesta gave the Seychellois public exposure to the culinary experience that tourists have access to during their stay in the Seychelles.
On Monday 23, 2019, seven tourism pioneers of the tourism industry were recognised in a ceremony at the Seychelles Tourism Academy. Andiana Hoareau nee Sandapin, Brendon Grimshaw, Achille Kwame Luc, Philipe L’Efevre Karl St. Ange, Philibert Loizeau, Mathew Servina were each honoured with a plaque in the Tourism Pioneers Park.
The youth played a significant role in this year’s tourism festival, participating in both the ‘Adopt a Student’ forum on Tuesday 24, 2019 and the French Public speaking competition on Thursday 26, 2019.
Concretising what Minister Dogley expressed in his speech at the launching ceremony regarding the importance of educating the youth on what the tourism industry entails at an early age instead of waiting for them to specialise.
For the ‘Adopt a Student’ forum, primary and secondary students selected by the Ministry of Education for a brief internship in several hotels came to share their experiences with their peers.
This exposure gave students a better idea what a career in tourism entails, therefore encouraging more students to choose this path. The programme generated positive feedback from both the students and the hotels, who appreciated the initiative by the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Education.
The participating schools and hotels were Takamaka Primary attached with DoubleTree by Hilton Seychelles Allamanda Resort & Spa; Bel Ombre Primary with Savoy Seychelles Resorts & Spa; Beau Vallon Secondary also with Savoy and Hilton Seychelles Labriz; English River Secondary with Hilton Seychelles Northolme; Anse Boileau Secondary with Constance Ephelia Seychelles and Avani Hotels & Resorts; and Grand Anse Primary with Constance Lemuria Seychelles and Hotel L’Archipel. The Human Resource officers from the hotels were also present to share their experience with the students.
Another activity involving the youth was the ‘Concours d’expression orale’, organised by STB in conjunction with the Ministry of Education. This was a French public speaking activity involving schools in Seychelles at primary, secondary and post-secondary level. The discussions were based off the world tourism day theme “Le Tourisme et l’emploi: Un avenir meilleur pour tous”, and students seized the opportunity to showcase their fluency in French, one of our official languages which is often overlooked and less popular. Minister Jeanne Simeon, Minister of Education and Human Resource Development was also present at the event.
The winner for the Primary school group was Baie Sainte Anne Praslin, with Mont Fleuri in second place and Glacis in third place. For the Secondary group, Pointe Larue landed first place, followed by Plaisance in second place and Anse Royale in third place. At Post Secondary level, SITE won first place, whilst STA came out second.
Aside from the youth, employees in the tourism sector also had activities of their own during the week of festivities.
A tourism mass was held on Wednesday September 25, 2019 at Plaisance Church, attended by staff from the Seychelles Tourism Board, the Department of Tourism and Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority with the participation of the Seychelles Tourism Academy students and staff.
The service was followed by a beach clean-up with employees of STB, Department of Tourism contributing to the Clean up the World campaign. This campaign is one which crucial to the tourism industry, as it supports the conservation of the Seychelles pristine beauty.
On World Tourism Day itself, Friday September 27, 2019, the STB partnered with Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority and Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Foundation for a special “Meet and Greet” at the Seychelles International Airport.
Arriving visitors were greeted by a live band and traditional dances were performed. Many engaged with the performance; joining in to dance or capturing the moment with ‘That Selfie Mirror Seychelles’. Tourists were also given the ‘Pristine Seychelles’ badge along with a bookmark that included small tips on how to be a responsible traveller whilst exploring the islands.
Departing visitors were given the chance to share their experiences in the Seychelles and what their contributions to sustainability were or could be, which was documented by the SSTF team.
Due to weather, the scheduled Meet and Greet at the Botanical garden was cancelled. However, the staff of the Seychelles Tourism Board and Department of Tourism united for a brief gathering honouring Tourism Day, where STB Chief Executive, Mrs Sherin Francis and Principal Secretary Mrs Anne Lafortune shared a few words with the employees.
The Tourism Festival came to a close at Hilton Northolme Resort and Spa, during a panel discussion of the festival theme “Tourism and Jobs: a better future for all”.
Source:- Seychelles Tourism Board
Closing Notes:-
We hope you have enjoyed this Issue #30 of Volume 3 of 2019. For those who missed previous Issues, you may find them on the links listed at the bottom of this newsletter for your convenience. We continue to republish on Linkedln, WhatsApp and Twitter links to International Newswires that have re-posted our previous Issues - they are real friends; support them and work with them. SAINT ANGE CONSULTANCY
Google Saint Ange Tourism Report to see the exciting coverage we are getting.
The Saint Ange Tourism Report is a weekly publication that touches on tourism in Seychelles, the greater Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands and the surrounding Indian Ocean Countries as well as global tourism matters as and when necessary.
The Report goes to a large number of Seychellois locally and also those residing in the four corners of the world, the Business Community in Seychelles, Tour Operators and the Tourism Travel Trade, Airlines and is being reposted by several friendly and important newswires which will ensure a very wide global distribution.
📷Alain St.Ange
Alain St.Ange is remembered right across the world as the successful and dynamic Tourism Minister of the Seychelles who aspired to fly the Seychelles Flag at the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) if the island’s bid for the position of Secretary General had not been abruptly withdrawn as Africa shot itself in the foot yet again.
Alain St Ange has been working in the tourism business all his working life and in Government services since 2009. He was appointed as the Director of Marketing for Seychelles by President and the island's then Minister of Tourism James Michel. After one year of service, he was promoted to the position of CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board.
In 2012 the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands Regional Organization was formed and St Ange was elected as the First President of that Regional Organisation (Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands - Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Comoros and Mayotte) and he remains the only one who was elected to serve a second back-to-back mandate.
Tourism was and remains St.Ange’s life and passion and he steered that industry with style and utmost devotion. It is in the 2012 Seychelles Cabinet of Ministers re-shuffle, that St Ange was appointed as Minister of Tourism and Culture and appointed by President Danny Faure in 2016 as Minister of Tourism. Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine which he resigned on 28 December 2016 in order to pursue a candidacy as Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation. When his candidature or document of endorsement was withdrawn by his country just a day before the elections in Madrid, Alain St.Ange showed his greatness as a speaker when he addressed the UNWTO gathering with grace, passion, and style. His moving speech was recorded as the one on the best marking speeches at this UN international body. African countries often remember his Uganda address for the East Africa Tourism Platform when he was a guest of honour. As former Tourism Minister, St.Ange was a regular and popular speaker and was often seen addressing forums and conferences on behalf of his country. His ability to speak ‘off the cuff’ was always seen as a rare ability. He often said he speaks from the heart. In Seychelles he is remembered for a marking address at the official opening of the island’s Carnaval International de Victoria when he reiterated the words of John Lennon famous song… ” you may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. One day you will all join us and the world will be better as one”. The world press contingent gathered in Seychelles on the day ran with the words by St.Ange which made headlines everywhere. St.Ange delivered the keynote address for the “Tourism & Business Conference in Canada” as he did across Africa, Europe and Asia. Seychelles is a good example for sustainable tourism. This is therefore not surprising to see Alain St.Ange being sought after as a speaker on the international circuit.
He pushed for ‘tourism for all’ as he campaigned for the Secretary General position of the UNWTO and in his home island he pushed for the islanders to ‘claim back their industry’ as he welcomed hundreds of small establishments in the island’s Accommodation Network.
In the years when Alain St.Ange was Minister of Tourism of the Seychelles, the islands were recording 10% -12% growth in visitor arrival numbers month on month, and this even without enough air carriers adequately providing for adequate inbound seats.
His appointment in the role of Minister was largely due to the Seychelles private sector business trade who pushed for him to take over the island’s marketing (2008). They then continued to pressure for one of their own to be appointed as CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board (2009). It is the Seychelles private sector trade who saw the successes by St.Ange and pressured then President James Michel to put someone from the business sector in the post of Minister of Tourism to put that Ministry back on track.
The late Louis D’Offay, the President of the Seychelles Hospitality and Tourism Association (SHTA) back then went on record to confirm their Association’s success in having one of their own in the office of Minister.
A speaker on tourism matters who continues to be sought after on the international circuit as one reputed to know his subject matter well. He is followed and admired because he continues to speak off the cuff with no written text and this impresses always. At the UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu in China, a person who was being sought after for the “Speakers Circuit” for tourism and sustainable development was Alain St.Ange.
Alain St.Ange is now officially back in the political arena of his Seychelles Islands with the launching of his “One Seychelles” political party. He is a Seychellois islander he says happily, and guarantees he will work to put the people of the islands first in every decision taken by the islands. He has been a Member of the Seychelles Parliament in the second and also in the third Republic of the Seychelles. He successfully won the La Digue Constituency (1979), the electoral seat held by his late father Karl St.Ange in the years before the 1976 Independence of Seychelles from Great Britain and then won the Bel Air Constituency (2002) taking the President’s own residential district away from the ruling party against all odds.
When Alain St.Ange became the Seychelles Minister of Tourism and Culture (2012) it was the era when Seychelles went beyond political party lines to appoint two of its Ministers in their field of expertise, Alain St.Ange for Tourism and World Bank man Pierre Laporte for Finance. This was followed by his appointment as the Seychelles Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine in 2016.
Alain St.Ange is a Tourism Consultant heading the “Saint Ange Consultancy” and is responsible for the widely distributed weekly “Saint Ange Tourism Report”.
Alain St.Ange sat on the Board of the UNWTO and is also the founding President of the Seychelles Labor Union (SLU), President of the African Tourism Board (ATB), Deputy Secretary General of FORSEAA (Forum of Small Medium Economic AFRICA ASEAN) based in Jakarta Indonesia, listed as a Consultant for TMN (Travel Marketing Network) in New York USA, Co-Chair of the SUNx (Strong Universal Network) Organisation in London UK, Vice President & Founding Member of ICTP (International Coalition of Tourism Partners), Member Advisory Board of the non-profit organisation “Helping Needy Welfare Society of India”. Alain St.Ange represented eTN Newswire in the Indian Ocean and had his own eTN column (St. Ange Indian Ocean report) for many years until he became a Minister in the Seychelles Government. He is also the Chairman of Trustees of the Arab Tourism News Portal – Al-Masala- Official Tourism Travel Portal News At Middle East
Alain St.Ange has been interviewed by some of the biggest television channels and continues to be called by International Press as a source of reference. Anita Mendiratta of the CNN Task Group published on the 11 April 2014: Travel & Tourism leaders close-up, this time a Minister of Tourism and it was Alain St.Ange used for her example. She wrote that Seychelles as an island nation in the Indian Ocean neighbouring Africa’s eastern coastline, while small in geographic size and remotely located, the Seychelles has become a destination (through St.Ange) with a reputation for ‘punching above its weight’. He was on ‘Quest means Business’ with Richard Quest of CNN and Alan Boulton on Sky News during his UNWTO Campaign. He is not shy with a ‘gift of the gab’ making his an easy personality for live interviews.
St.Ange has received numerous awards and honours, including the Mahatma Gandhi Honour Award (2014) for his work in strengthening Indo-Seychelles relations, a Plaque of Honour from the House of Lords in London (2015), the Tourism Eminent Achiever Award in Africa (2015) and most recently the Change Maker in Tourism by IIPT (International Institute for Peace through Tourism) at the Tourism Resilience Summit in Johannesburg South Africa (2019). At the AKWAABA 2019 Festival and Conference in Lagos Nigeria he made it to the 'Africa Travel 100 Global Tourism Personalities' list.
He has also authored and co-authored several books about Seychelles, including:
Seychelles, What Next? (1991); Seychelles, In Search of Democracy (2005); Seychelles, The Cry of a People (2007); Seychelles, Regatta 2010 (2010); Seychelles, Enters The World of Canival (2011); Seychelles, Remembers Karl St.Ange (2011); Seychelles, The Coco-de-Mer (2012); Seychelles, Festival of the Sea (2012); Seychelles, State House (2013) and Seychelles: Unexpected Treasures (2014).
Alain St.Ange is the former Seychelles Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine and before that the island's Minister for Tourism and Culture. He was First President of the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands and was also the former Seychelles Candidate for the position of Secretary-General of the UNWTO. He is today the Deputy Secretary General of FORSEAA (Forum of Small Medium Economic AFRICA ASEAN) based in Jakarta Indonesia, listed as a Consultant for TMN (Travel Marketing Network) in New York USA, Co-Chair of the SUNx (Strong Universal Network) Organisation in London UK, Vice President & Founding Member of ICTP (International Coalition of Tourism Partners), Member Advisory Board of the non-profit organisation "Helping Needy Welfare Society of India", Appointed on the Steering Committee of the "African Tourism Board" Association.
Married to Ginette Michel of Les Mamelles, Mahé and has two daughters, Christine and Michelle.
📷 alain@saintange.com.au 📷Ameer Ebrahim
Environmental Consultant for Saint Ange Consultancy. Current PhD Candidate in Marine Ecology, University of Queensland, Australia. Executive Board Member for the James Michel Foundation
📷Peter Sinon Development Consultant for the Saint Ange Consultancy. He is today the Secretary General of the 'One Seychelles' Political Party and of the Seychelles Labor Union (SLU), Chairman of the Board of the Common & Central Cold Storage. Former Seychelles Minister, assuming the portfolio responsibilities for Natural Resources, Industry and Investments.
📷pwasondanlo@yahoo.co.uk📷Dr. Claire Holder Consultant for the Saint Ange Consultancy. Chief Executive of the Notting Hill Carnival Roadshow Company. Barrister at law.