The following is a summary of reports on autumnal change across California. It is compiled from reports and photographs submitted by a network of over 100 volunteer observers. Similar reports on the status of fall color across California are distributed each Thursday until the Thursday before Thanksgiving Day.

All reports are substantiated by photographic metadata. uses the following scale to state the degree of overall change of fall color at specific locations.
PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!
Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.
Patchy (10-50%)
Just Starting (0-10%)
Past Peak - You Missed It.
Across California, fall color generally descends by elevation at a rate of 500 to 1,000 feet per week. This explains why elevations are included in our reports.
With showers and wind predicted for the weekend, areas of Peak color above 7,500' are expected to lose a lot of leaves, though groves that are Near Peak will survive the storm and continue to carry bright fall color.
Peak has now dropped to below 8,000' in the Eastern Sierra. That means some of the most popular destinations for autumn displays are now peaking. They include: Mountain Glen Camp, the Mist Falls, Aspendell in Bishop Creek Canyon and Convict Lake, the June Lake Loop and Lundy Canyon in Mono County and the Hope Valley in Alpine County.
Few areas elsewhere in California are reporting significant autumnal color, though near peak color is being seen in Plumas County (northern Sierra) at Quincy and Spanish Creek, known for its spectacular Indian Rhubarb.
For the latest updates on where autumn color is being seen, visit:
· Peak of the Week - June Lake Loop (Mono County)
· Drive of the Week - June Lake Loop (Mono County)
· Hike of the Week - Lundy Canyon Trail (Mono County)
The following conditions were accurate as of 10/20/22 and are subject to rapid change.
A layered display of fall color occurred in Bishop Creek Canyon this autumn with some groves at a given location remaining green while others were peaking. That made for a continuous and long show of peak color, but now it's ending.
Areas above 8,500' are now mostly past peak, with peak occurring between 8,000 and 8,500', this is a higher peak that is occurring in Mono County or the Hope Valley.
South Lake, Lake Sabrina and North Lake are finished, though very nice color can still be seen up the South Fork to Mountain Glen Campground and in the Middle Fork at Aspendell.
Interest is moving from Bishop Creek Canyon to Lower Rock Creek (a popular mountain biking trail) and Pine Creek Canyon which features the most impressive stand of Black cottonwood in California. At peak, it forms a long ribbon of gold that bends beside the creek to the foot of a sawtooth range that is jaw-droppingly beautiful. This will peak in two weeks.
Southern Inyo County
Onion Valley (9,600') - Past Peak, You Missed it.
Big Pine Creek (7,660') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.
Big Pine (3,989') - Patchy (10-50%)
Bishop Creek Canyon
South Fork, Bishop Creek
South Lake (9,768') - Peak to Past Peak (75 - 100%) GO NOW, you almost missed it.
Weir Pond (9,650') - Past Peak, You Missed it.
Parcher's Resort (9,260') - Peak to Past Peak (75 - 100%) GO NOW, you almost missed it.
Willow Campground (9,000') - Past Peak, You Missed it.
Surveyor's Meadow (8,975') - Past Peak, You Missed it.
Table Mountain Camp (8,900') - Peak to Past Peak (75 - 100%) GO NOW, you almost missed it.
Mountain Glen Camp (8,850') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!
Mist Falls and the Groves Above Bishop Creek Lodge (8,350') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!
Four Jeffries (8,000') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!
Middle Fork, Bishop Creek
Lake Sabrina (9,150') - Past Peak, You Missed it.
Sabrina Approach (9,100') - Peak to Past Peak (75 - 100%) GO NOW, you almost missed it.
Sabrina Campground (9,000') - Past Peak, You Missed it.
Groves Above Cardinal Village (8,550') -- Peak to Past Peak (75 - 100%) GO NOW, you almost missed it.
Aspendell (8,400') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!
Intake II (8,000') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!
Big Trees Campground (7,800') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.
North Fork, Bishop Creek
North Lake (9,225') - Past Peak, You Missed it.
North Lake Rd (9,000') - Past Peak, You Missed it.
Bishop (4,150') - Patchy (10-50%)
Buckley Ponds (4,150') - Patchy (10-50%)
Rawson Ponds (4,150') - Patchy (10-50%)
Owens Valley (4,000') - Patchy (10-50%)
Northern Inyo County
Lower Rock Creek Rd (7,087') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.
Round Valley (4,692') - Patchy (10-50%)
Lower Pine Creek Canyon (7,000') - Patchy (10-50%)
Pine Creek Pack Station (7,400') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.
Peak color is being seen below 8,000' throughout Mono County. The best locations for the coming week include: Convict Lake, Mammoth Lakes, the June Lake Loop, and Lundy Canyon.
Moving past peak are: Rock Creek, Conway Summit, Summers Meadow, Lobdell Lake Rd. and all mountain passes.
Rock Creek Canyon
Middle Rock Creek Road (8,500') - PEAK to Past Peak, Go Now, you almost missed it.
Lower Rock Creek Road (7,500') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW! - The best color is found around Tom's Place and US 395.
Crowley Lake/Mcgee Creek, Convict Lake
Crowley Community (6,949') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW! - The community of Crowley is dressed in its autumn best. Great color is seen everywhere.
McGee Creek Canyon (8,600') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW! - There is a mix of color in McGee Creek Canyon, with Peak at the campground near US 395 and a blend of Peak and Past Peak groves all the way to the top.
Convict Lake (7,850') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW! - This is the week to visit Convict Lake. There's beautiful color all around the lake.
Mammoth Lakes
· Mammoth Lakes (7,881') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW! - The Town is gorgeous, with lots of color along Snow Creek.
· Mammoth Lakes Basin (8,996') - Past Peak, You Missed It.
June Lake Loop
June Lake Loop (7,654') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW! - June is busting out all over! The June Lake Loop is one of the most appreciated fall color peaks in California. It's now prime. It will remain good for two weeks, but go now, as colder weather is arriving and anything can happen to spoil the beauty. June Lake is declared PEAK OF THE WEEK and DRIVE OF THE WEEK.
Lee Vining / Lundy
· Tioga Pass (9,943') - Past Peak, You Missed It.
· Lee Vining Canyon (6,781') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW! - Brilliant colors are appearing in the canyon, presently. There are peaking aspen everywhere to be seen.
Lundy Lake & Canyon (7,858') - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW! -
Bridgeport / Virginia Lakes / Dunderberg / Summers
Twin Lakes (7,000') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now. - This should be a fabulous location for dramatic sky photography, as the weekend storm clears.
Bodie Hills (9,419') - Past Peak, You Missed It.
Virginia Lakes (9,819’) - Past Peak, You Missed It.
Conway Summit (8,143) - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW! - A lot of Conway Summit is past peak, but there's still so much deep orange color that it's a stunner. Only a few days remain at this location.
Summers Meadow (7,200') PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW! - Summers Meadow is incredible from top to bottom. Go Now, as this is the last weekend of peak at this location. It should be past peak by Wednesday of next week.
Lobdell / Sonora Pass/ Walker / Coleville / Topaz
Lobdell Lake Road (9,274') - PEAK to Past Peak, Go now, you almost missed it. - Only a few groves remain from what was two weeks of spectacular peak.
Molybdenite Creek Trail (7,865') - PEAK to Past Peak, Go now, you almost missed it.
Sonora Pass (9,623') - PEAK to Past Peak, Go now, you almost missed it. - Last call.
Monitor Pass (8,314') - PEAK to Past Peak, Go now, you almost missed it. - Last call.
West Walker River, Walker, Coleville and Topaz (5,200') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.- As predicted, the Antelope Valley is nearing peak.. The best colors are found along the West Walker River, north of Sonora Junction. Cottonwood leaves in Walker and Coleville will easily survive the coming weekend storm and should be peaking the first week of November. This is a beautiful boulevard of native color.
Hope Valley / Carson Pass / Caples Lake
· Carson Pass (8,652′) - PEAK to Past Peak, Go Now, you almost missed it.
· Red Lake (7,861′) - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!
· Red Lake Creek Cabin (7,600′) - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!
· Blue Lakes Rd Pasture (7,550′) - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!
· Pickett’s Junction, CA 88 & CA 89 - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!
· Wylder’s Resort (7,000′) - PEAK to Past Peak, Go Now, you almost missed it.
· Woodfords Canyon (6,900′) - PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!
Plumas County
· Quincy (3,342′) - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.
· Spanish Creek at Oakland Camp (5,817′) - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.
· Cascade Trail, Spanish Creek (3,200') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.
· Buck's Lake (5,167') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.
· Schneider Creek, Meadow Valley (3,776') - Near Peak (50-75%) Go Now.