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Something in Switzerland to Suit All Faiths, Whether Ancient or Modern

Updated: Jan 7, 2019

Swiss Religion from Anabaptists to Zwingli  .   .   .   Religious events and festivals celebrated in Switzerland differ depending on the season and the region. Some are based on ancient traditions like St. Nicolas and Christmas Trees, while others have emerged only recently. The following points to some of the different ways faith is commemorated in Switzerland.

Religous Tips

Zurich Reformation in 10 Minutes.

When Huldrych Zwingli came to Zurich in 1519 to work as a pastor, many things changed for the Grossmünster and for the local people. As of 1530, the citizens of Zurich were subjected to a whole series of strict moral mandates. The Reformation turned them into industrious people. Zurich became an important business metropolis and as a result of that, a major financial center. In 2019, Zurich celebrates its 500th anniversary with various activities. Get up to Reformation speed in 10 minutes!

Explore Anabaptist History in Emmental.

In Zurich, former Zwingli follower Felix Manz founded a reformation splinter group called the Anabaptists challenging the other Christian faith groups over the practice of baptism. Both Catholics and Protestants persecuted them with all their might. A new signposted trail winding through the hills of the idyllic Emmental highlights the history of the movement – today divided mainly into the Mennonite church and Amish groups – and the persecution of its followers at the hands of the Swiss authorities.

Sights to Behold in Canton Schwyz.

Have you met one of the famous Black Madonnas of Europe? You don’t have to be a pilgrim to visit the one in the monastry in Einsiedeln. The abbey about 20 miles southeast of Zurich lies in the midst of a breathtaking landscape with a deep blue lake and jagged mountain tops attracts nature lovers and culture-minded visitors alike. Every five years, Einsiedeln hosts the production of the religious drama “The Great Theater of the World,” in which more than 600 villagers participate. The next one will be held in 2020.


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