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Relief Riders Presents Yoga Amongst the Dunes

Put your Yogic principles into action through service for those in need. It is the Yogi's path realized. Step into a world of Hindu Goddess temples, mesmerizing wildlife and the flavors of ancient India. Our journey will take us into the Thar Desert of Rajasthan, where we'll be encamped amongst the dunes, immersing ourselves in village life, meeting with local tribes, and taking our yoga practice to new levels.

The altruistic pinnacle of this purposeful blending of yoga and service is the opportunity to volunteer at One Verse Yoga's medical camp—extending free eye surgeries and dental care to a rural population that has no healthcare. Other acts of kindness ensue, too, such as witnessing firsthand the joy and gratitude of school children receiving much needed school supplies and sporting equipment. Isn't it a relief to make such a difference?

Join us in partnership with One Verse Yoga (NYC) on this remarkable journey as it will leave you and the people you meet transformed.

March 2020 Yoga Amongst the Dunes 17-26 March 2020 ** Early Bird sign up 10% off listed trip fee. VIEW DETAILS


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