Be safe. Be kind. Be outside. The Joshua Tree Music Festival is thrilled to be partnering with Cliffhanger Guides to offer up drive-in movie nights at the Joshua Tree Music Festival/ CasaGogo /Joshua Tree Lake, RV and Campground site.

Feb 27 - Princess Bride
Mar 5 - The Harder They Come
Mar 6 - Raising Arizona
Mar 12 - Little Miss Sunshine
Mar 13 - Walk the Line
Limited to 50 spots per show, get your tickets in advance!
What's Next for JTMF?
The Frestival is optimistically exploring options to bring some long overdue live in-person music in 2021, stay tuned for more updates soon!
Message for Ticket Holders
The Festival plans to offer some opportunities this year to redeem your tickets.
A reminder you may also put your ticket purchase towards a stay in one of the Cozy Camper Trailers at CasaGogo at the festival site if the desert is calling you.
Email us for booking enquiries.