To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), major attractions and travel trade providers are offering a variety of ‘smart deals’ to their overseas visitors. This initiative has been designed jointly by the Tourism Commission and the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) under the heading “Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR with Smart Deals”. From 1 April until 30 September 2017 (and in some cases beyond) over 40 deals and special offers will be available to visitors from a variety of local attractions and trade partners.

These deals include discounts for attractions, transportation, sightseeing tours, dining and shopping, as well as other promotions, all of which have been compiled into a coupon booklet. The HKTB have published over 800,000 of the booklets which have been distributed in various locations, including HKTB Visitor Centres, local hotels and travel agencies. A full list of these locations can be found on line. To mark the 20th anniversary the number ‘20’ features often: for example 20% off purchases or HK$20 attraction tickets for those born in a particular month.
Hong Kong has long been a favourite destination for Canadians and, with summer approaching, these offers will make the region an even more appealing choice, especially for families. Children love the many and varied theme parks, while for ‘older’ young people Hong Kong’s shopping and night life is legendary. And for those ‘footing the bill’ the offers in this celebration will be very appealing. These include hotel discounts in 220 hotels, family fun packages, car rental discounts, shopping discounts on items from sneakers to diamonds and so much more. And, of course, singles and seniors are also warmly welcomed with discounts and appealing programmes.
On announcing this very special 20th anniversary celebration, Dr Peter Lam, Chairman of the HKTB, said: “The HKTB appreciates the Government’s continued support and all the participating attractions and trade partners for their generous offerings to enrich visitors’ in-town experience … all of which will encourage arrivals and draw attention to the attractions and experiences that give Hong Kong its unique appeal.”
Arrivals in Hong Kong continue to increase year by year, and Canadians contribute to these figures. It is one of the world’s greatest destinations with so many exciting experiences for all ages and tastes and these 20th Anniversary deals will certainly add to the joy of a Hong Kong visit while offering considerable savings.