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Congratulations on Presidential Election in Kenya

Alain St.Ange, VP World Tourism Network and the Seychelles known tourism personality congratulates HE William Ruto of Kenya on his election victory. Alain St.Ange has issued a statement in which he has congratulated HE William Ruto on his election victory for Kenya’s Highest Office as President.

PHOTO; HE William Ruto of Kenya

Alain St.Ange met with William Ruto in Mombasa at the UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) East Africa Development Forum and both shared the stage for the forum. St.Ange says his elegant simplicity surprised delegates and at the official lunch where they both shared a table and had time to discuss tourism across Africa and between the East African countries and islands.

“Today as I say congratulations to you, HE President Elect William Ruto, I join the millions across Africa to wish you success as Kenya’s President and to implore you to make tourism the industry that will change the fortunes of not only Kenya, but also the whole of Africa.

You have the needed charisma and can lead Africa to new frontiers using tourism as the vector for peace and stability” Alain St.Ange said soon after the Kenyan election results were announced.


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