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VIENNA Picturesquely situated on the Danube River and with a million and a half inhabitants, Vienna is both cosmopolitan and mindful of a regal history. Gothic styled St. Stephens Cathedral holds a central position in a downtown core that has a Renaissance feel. Palaces such as Schonbrunn have retained majestic stylings, both indoors and out. A giant ferris wheel crowns Vienna, surrounded by fair weather amusements.

MOZART You can trace the history of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of Austria’s most famous sons, through museums and homes where he once lived. His music is heard and his images seen throughout the country, as well as those of other legendary composers such as Johann Straus. Concerts and operas take place at authentic and elegant venues like Schonbrunn Palace, where Mozart actually gave his first concert in 1772.

TRAVELING IN AUSTRIA Majestic mountains, lovely lakes and refreshing alpine scenery characterize the scenery a traveller will see throughout Austria. It’s important to get an authorization ticket if you’re using Austria’s roads, which have no tolls & are sprinkled with Rest and Info stops. Smaller country Inns offer traditional hospitality, cuisine & fine wines. The lakes here are among the cleanest in the world and bustle from May to November.

SALZBURG Located on the Eastern Alps, the city was made famous by the movie, “The Sound of Music.” The most popular sites, such as Mirabel Palace, are all found in a fairly concentrated area, reachable on foot or inexpensively using public transport or bicycle. Take a funicular to the stunning fortress where you can indulge in fine dining and exceptional classical music concerts that take place within its chambers

GRAZ On the banks of the River Mur, this is Austria’s second largest city with around 235,000 people. A clock tower crowns the city and an arena honors native son, Arnold Schwarzeneger. Action central is the Old Town center, a pedestrian and shopper’s paradise with a lively street scene. Accommodation in Graz tends toward the luxurious

VELDON Located in the breathtakingly natural region of Worthersee, Veldon is an alpine paradise with a Mediterranean flair. The area of Karnten is the recreational capital of Austria, with beaches, lakeside leisure activities and accommodation and boat tours. Velden has been a resort since the 16th century and the Casino adds sparkle.

MINIMUNDOS Situated in Klagenfurt, Minimundos is a world of miniature world icons. Often made from original building materials, 175 beautifully and accurately fashioned miniature buildings from 53 countries include the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Vatican, the Eiffel Tower, CN Tower and more.

HOCHOSTERWITZ CASTLE Dramatically perched on mountaintop in the Province of Corinthia, Hochosterwitz Castle was built in the 16th century. It has served a strategic purpose as well as housing women and children in times of war, and many rooms are filled with armory from the wars that ravaged the area through time.

TRANSPORTATION IN VIENNA With a well organized system that includes old fashioned street cars, Vienna is a dream to get around in. Subway service is impeccable, and each station is unique, each offering the latest ticket generating methods. Bicycles are allowed on the subway except at peak times in a scenic city that is bicycle friendly.


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