The African Tourism Board’s Patron Dr. Taleb Rifai, its President Alain St.Ange and the Chairperson Mr Cuthbert Ncube come together on behalf of the Organisation’s Executive Committee to wish the Tourism Community from all the 54 States that make Africa the great Continent, a Happy Africa Day 2021 on Tuesday, May 25th.

“The African Union (AU) has declared 2021 as the AU Year of the Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want, and as the African Tourism Board salutes this call, we in tourism are appealing to each and every African to embrace this call made by the AU because our continent’s Arts, Culture and Heritage remain the foundation for a strong tourism industry for our continent” said the representatives of the African Tourism Board in their Africa Day 2021 statement.
“Covid-19 pandemic has brought our tourism industry to ground zero and it is now through UNITY firstly, and through the RESPECT of each and everyone of us for each and everyone of us secondly that we can honestly restart our tourism industry for the benefit of every African. The desire to achieve unity and respect will need us to be Proud to be African as we call on our fellow men and women, immaterial of the political affiliation, colour of their skin, their gender, and their religious beliefs to unite and together kick-start tourism for the greater good of our respective countries and of our great continent” Rifai, St.Ange and Ncube said.
“The African Tourism Board wishes everyone a Happy Africa Day 2021 and says a light is now visible at the end of the tunnel, Let us hold hands together and march proudly to relaunch tourism, the industry that is so needed by Africa and in so doing give the needed oxygen to the Airlines of our Continent. With the WTN (World Travel Network) working now side by side with us we shall re-start our tourism industry” the African Tourism Board message said in ending.