If you or anyone you know have any type of health issues, chronic illnesses like high blood pressure or diabetes, or if you just want to enjoy vibrant health and more energy, this presentation is for you. Dr. Clint G. Rogers will come to Atlanta to share "Ancient Secrets of A Master Healer" to teach people secrets that could change their life. The Ancient Secrets have helped people whom doctors had given up on.

The AD King Foundation is hosting this because CEO Dr. Babs Onabanjo and Mrs. A.D. (Naomi) King are proactive regarding healthcare, and their foundation usually hosts a health clinic every year. The presentation is free and open to the public, See details below:
Why African Diaspora Tourism Publisher Kitty J. Pope Enrolled in 100-Day Ancient Healing Secrets Course

African Diaspora Tourism publisher Kitty J. Pope recently enrolled in the 100-Day Course on ancient healing secrets taught by Dr. Clint G. Rogers, a university researcher and once skeptic of anything outside of Western medicine. Pope enrolled in the course based on Dr. Clint’s book “Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer” because she wanted to learn some of the secrets that can make a positive difference in one's health and overall well-being. Because Dr. Clint’s Tedx Talk that she listened to over a year ago was so inspiring, she decided she had to get the book once it came out. Curious to learn how Dr. Clint’s own father was helped after doctors had given up on him, she not only studied the book, but also enrolled in the course.
“I was interested because so many people in African Diaspora Communities worldwide are suffering from all kinds of health issues and chronic diseases. I wanted to learn other treatments available in addition to Western medicine that could facilitate healing and help people learn how to have more vibrant health,’ she explains. Many people with various chronic diseases have been helped by the ancient secrets and practices of Siddha-Veda and Ayurvedic health and healing methods.
"So I immediately read the book on Kindle (only $5), and I loved it so much that I had to order the hardcopy. I read about the many cases documented by Dr. Clint of people being helped when all else seemed to fail them. The book is a page turner and will flip some of what you thought you knew about medical science upside down. I was surprised how so many people had been able to come off of their medications."
Dr. Clint learned the ancient secrets presented in the 100-Day Course after traveling for ten years with most-noted Siddha-Veda Master Healer Dr. Pankaj Naram of India. He documented many cases of how Dr. Naram was able to help people and recommend healing treatments just by reading the pulse.
Pope could not believe how Dr. Clint could get deep insights into a person’s health conditions just by reading his pulse, the method that he learned from his mentor Dr. Naram. So she enrolled in the course to find out more. "Every week we learn things that are just mind- blowing, yet so simple. I am excited to be taking this Ancient Secrets Course because I am learning secrets that anyone can apply to improve their health and well-being.”
The 100-Day Course participants will be following in the footsteps of Master Healer Dr. Naram and the 2,500 years long lineage of Masters back to Jīvaka, the personal physician for the Buddha. The nearly 250 people from over 33 countries in the course are learning practical tools and simple remedies which can be applied to some of the most common health and mental challenges. After completing the Course, participants can go deeper by taking the 2-year certification program.
One among just a few African American taking the 100-Day Course, Pope is happy to join Dr. Clint with his mission of spreading the word about these ancient secrets around the world. “I want to make sure people of African descent are not left out, and are able to learn about these secrets also,” she explains. Dr. Naram's dream was to have every home around the globe to at least know about these ancient secrets and decide if they want to apply them. Dr. Clint’s book “Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer,'' already printed in 30 different languages, has been endorsed by world leaders. In addition to his book and teaching the 100-Day Course, Dr. Clint travels around the country doing pulse clinics where he does pulse readings and recommends treatments to facilitate healing and optimal health. Many people with various chronic diseases have been helped by the ancient secrets and practices of Siddha-Veda and Ayurvedic health and healing methods.
Glendolyn J. Dr. Clint G. Rogers and Master Healer Dr. Pankaj Naram
Passionate about sharing this form of deeper healing, Dr. Clint is now on a mission to share these secrets with as many people as possible. He conducts seminars and consultations in various cities around the world, also teaching other doctors and practitioners in the Ancient Secrets and practices of Siddha-Veda and Ayurvedic health and healing methods. People who have come to Dr. Clint’s clinics are amazed at the healing results from following his recommendations for herbs, diet, marmara points, and home remedies. What if you could feel younger at any age?
Dr. Clint’s book “Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer'' has been endorsed by leaders around the world (including Jack Canfield, sought after success trainer and co-author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul.”) and is currently being translated into 30 different languages. Capturing the light and wisdom of Dr. Naram, “Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer” is a masterpiece that is easy to read, with clear information that can touch your heart and change your life. It is a page-turner where the reader will travel the world with Dr. Clint and feel the healing power in the book.
GOOD NEWS! Dr. Clint is conducting FREE workshops around the country where he will do a presentation about the Ancient Secrets that is open to the general public. Following the presentation, there will be opportunities for a few people to have pulse consultations. Bring your loved ones with you!
To get list of cities where Dr. Clint will present or to host him to your city, please email Monica@MyAncientSecrets.com
For more information or to purchase the book, visit MyAncientSecrets.com.
You can also learn more about ancient healing secrets by viewing Dr. Clint’s Tedx Talks (viewed by over 2 million people) at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHul6zDPE2w